Tuesday, June 14, 2011

friends or foes? life still continue..

can any1 define the word friends? recently, there's a weird atmosphere around this house.. people just don't seems to talk to each other.. the worst, i feel like i'm being hated suddenly.. i have no idea what on earth that creature had said to my friend but it really pissed me off.. i try to pretend like nothing happen but it seems like futile.. am i joke or what? a fake friend,***** had wrote something and they all keep giving comment about that.. the comment is mainly negative although ***** didn't write who is she/he dedicated to.. i'm really pissed off of ***** attitude.. how could she/he do that to me? i'd treat you as my friend and you take things for granted.. i really disappointed for yr behavior.. at the spur time, i'd doubt whether i should continue to be a friend of yours.. the much i think about it the more i hate that person.. hmmp~

anyway, 2day at college, we'd done the practical 1 for parasitology practical.. this time we all no need find any cyst but instead we find helmint egg..eg: Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, necator sp .. kinda happy when i found those egg.. :D

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