Thursday, April 28, 2011

a trainee medical lab technologist

i was totally over the moon when i found out that i've been chosen by the health ministry to further my study. i'm so HAPPY and my parents were proud about it except some1.. the time i reach SA, i was totally shocked by the environment here.. crow are everywhere.. people at here were so unfriendly.. and the worst, they all speaking language that i don't seems to understand.. i have been thought all the time that ENGLISH should be the international language but people at here was totally live in their own world.. lol.. at the spur time, i wanna go home. :(
when i reached at the hostel, it sucks.. frankly, this particular place i don't think is for human to stay.. the room that i've been allocated was 212. seriously, i really don't mind the place is small or the people at there were not friendly but the things that i can't stand is the bed.. the bed that was double decker.. seniors sleep at the lower decker and i was forced to sleep at the upper 1.. OH GOSH, u really don't want to be in my shoes. the ceiling was so close to my so called bed ..and the worst was the ceiling that fulled with spider webs, the thickness of the dust were like 0.3-0.5cm and tiny bugs are everywhere.. how can a normal people will live in such place? it's terrible like a cell for prison and sometimes i think cell would be better. lol. i was surprise this is how seniors celebrate their juniors to a new place.. DX..
second day is the register for freshmen in college.. O.O this is the face when i saw the college. the college was like an old building for shops. students at there was just not the same in my thought.. i'm not saying this because i'm arrogant or what but if u saw what i'd saw, probably u already run away.. there's people asked me why u still at there?  HELLO?? if i'm running away, i need to pay the rm 110,000 for compensate... so ya, i'm going to stay here till it's complete. DX
the first sem i'm having here is short sem. subjects that i'm taking were immunology and serology, pengajian malaysia and introduction medical laboratory..OH LORD! i really hate it.. the lecturers were using half english and half malay while teaching us.. and the scientific terms were all translated to malay.. i was totally shocked.
3 months staying in room 212 finally i've been approved that i can moved to room 314 with my fellows.. although it was double dirty than room 212 but for me as long as i stayed with some1 who care about each other is far better than staying with people who don't even care about surrounding..
first long sem began and the subjects that i had took were basic applied science, biochemistry 1, microbiology 1, computer understanding, and general biology and human genetic. this sem i faced a lot of problem, study is no problem but the lecturers were the 1 bringing problem to me.. as i said they used half malay and half english making me headache while doing my revision.. all the books that i had bought were so many spelling error.. i really furious about that to be honest.. those lecturer graduate with higher education but the books that they all had wrote were so not in their standard.. i'm not insulting but just telling the truth... D:
in the same semester,  the jealousy of human being had raised drastically.. friendship changes due to the term JEALOUSY.. the things that i couldn't believe is that particular person do such childish back-stab things and compromised my name.. the ugliness of a so called friend had appeared.. till now, that human being still think back stab me is correct and no apologize at all.. :( never mind, i don't care too..i'm indifferent.
currently i'm having short sem and taking parasitology1, diagnostic hematology 1 and sociology. this time, the subject that i love the most is hematology.. i prefer playing with blood compared to faeces during parasitology..HAHA.. oh ya, this sem i'm not going to have any mid sem but instead i'm having skill survivor aka lab race.. there's 4 of us in the group and at the end we got 4th place.. anyway, it was still consider ok coz that day there was like 55 group compete each other.. final exam is coming.. kinda wondering whether i can maintain my result till the end.. hehe :D

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